Laser-Distance Measurement

Laser Dis­tan­ce Sen­sor, all­round using e. g. for ob­ject de­tec­tion, dis­tan­ce mea­su­re­ment and po­si­tio­n­ing re­qui­re­ments of mo­ving ve­hi­cles
Typical measuring accuracy
+- 3.0 mm at 2 sig­ma; +- 1.0 mm at 2 sig­ma (Ty­pe PLD­M1010)
Typical repeatability
+- 0.5 mm at 2 sig­ma; +- 0.4 mm at 2 sig­ma (Ty­pe PLD­M1010)
Working Range
0.05 up to ap­prox. 65 m on na­tu­ral sur­faces; 0.5 m up to 500 m on oran­ge, efelc­tive tar­get pla­te
ap­pr. 160 x 54 x 80 [mm] (L x H x W); wi­thout ca­ble glant and con­nec­tor Sub D
Protection Mode
Connection Mode
Ter­mi­nal or Plug-Con­nec­tion 15 pins Sub D
Transmitting Light
Laser-Di­ode 650 nm, vi­si­ble
Radiant power
max. 0.95 W; Class 2 (DIN EN 60825-1:2008-05)
Beam diameter
4 mm at 5 m; 8 mm at 10 m; 15 mm at 30 m
Measurement time
sin­gle mo­de: ty­pi­cal 0.3 up to 4 s; tracking mo­de: ty­pi­cal 0.004 up to 4 s; the re­al mea­sur­ment ti­me de­pends on the choo­sen pro­ces­sing mo­de
Power Supply
9 VDC up to 30 VDC / 600 mA
Power indicator
green LED
Switch indicator
red and yel­low LEDs
Control Output
1 x se­ri­al async. in­ter­face RS232; 1 x se­ri­al async. in­ter­face RS422; 1 x SSI; 1 x pro­gramma­ble ana­log out­put 0/4 up to 20 mA; 2 x pro­gramma­ble di­gi­tal ou­put; 1 x pro­gramma­ble di­gi­tal in­put; 1 x di­gi­tal out­put for er­ror sta­tus; Op­tio­nal: Fiel­d­bus (Pro­fi­bus)
Ambient Temperature
-10 de­gree up to +50 de­gree Cel­si­us
Special/Optional Features
spe­cial moun­ting au­xil­li­a­ries are avail­able e. g.: mo­del ty­pe JF­BEC , AD­PLD­M1030S­S1 .or. for fur­nace ap­p­li­ca­ti­on fur­nace win­dow mo­del ty­pe O2004*09 with an ap­pro­pria­ted, an­g­led win­dow pla­te fi­xed in­to the ex­ch­an­ge­able-fur­nace-win­dow