Light Grid Barriers

PMG6761231211+2+6/200/5/210x30/-/20/41 (5967M05)

Mea­su­ring Light-Grid 0..8 m with beam through fur­nace and 1400°C Re­so­lu­ti­on 5 mm; Ope­ra­ting width 200 mm; Other dis­tan­ce, re­so­lu­ti­on and ope­ra­ting width on re­quest
Working Range
0 up to 8 m, with beam through fur­nace and up to 1400 de­gree Cel­si­us
ap­pr. 360 x 120 x 80 [mm] (W x H x D)
Protection Mode
Connection Mode
Ter­mi­nal Block / Plug and So­cket Con­nec­tion
Transmitting Light
LED 850...880 nm, in­vi­si­ble
Power Supply
24 VDC / ~3000 mA wi­thout load
Signal Mode
bright- / dark-swit­ching, selec­ta­ble
Control Output
PNP tran­sis­tor, Re­lay (al­ter­na­tive­ly); 2 x 4..20 mA quan­ti­zed.
LED (Switch in­di­ca­tor), in re­cei­ver and con­trol unit
Ambient Temperature
-25 .. +60 Cel­si­us de­gree
Special/Optional Features
In­ter­fe­rence Sup­pres­si­on by Forced Syn­chro­niza­t­i­on; Re­so­lu­ti­on 5 mm; Ope­ra­ting width 200 mm; Other dis­tan­ce, re­so­lu­ti­on and ope­ra­ting width on re­quest